Refund Policy
We have a 7-day refund or exchange policy, which means you have 7 days after receiving your item to request a refund or an exchange of similar items.
To be eligible for a return, your item must have been received in a faulty condition, such as upon receiving the package, the items were damaged, torn, or broken. Only full priced items will be eligible for refunds, and a 25% restocking fee may be taken from your refund. You’ll also need the receipt or proof of purchase and show us photos of the damaged goods via e-mail.
To request a refund or exchange of items, you can contact us at Please note that any letters of complaints will need to be sent to the following address:
If your request is accepted, we’ll send you an e-mail confirmation and will start the refund process. It might take 10 to 21 days for your exchange of item to go through.
You can always contact us for any further question at
We will do a refund if there are faulty on the goods that you have purchased, such as a hole in the garment or a tear, or if the items you have received are not what you have originally bought for in our site due to a shipping errors, or if there are any size differences not due to your own, such as ordering a size L but you have received an M instead, and so on. For these reasons that are outside of your own faults we will try to give you an immediate refund, upon payments that had been received to us. For any further questions, please read our Terms of Services.